
Here you can find a gallery of different games that I made, pick a game and enjoy.

When working on a game I like to start with a brainstorming session to come up with a unique mechanic.

Some of my favourite concepts were:

  • what if you could only see the monsters behind you which ended up being the concept used for Nexus Horror.
  • And What if you had to kill your mirrored self to progress. which ended up being the concept for Mirror Me.

I find that the most interesting concepts, end up being the most enjoyable games because a strong set of mechanics can apply to any location or theme.

Games Scrapbook

Sometimes I find a concept interesting enough to make a prototype but not good enough to continue working on, and so, it ends up discarded. This section is where I keep these games alive in case I will ever get back to the concept.

I'll also include prototypes and other small game projects here.